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Who Is Omurekov Azatbek Asanbekovich? Lieutenant Colonel At Bucha Massacre

Omurekov Azatbek Asanbekovich is identified as a lieutenant colonel who was responsible for the Bucha Massacre on March 10, 2022. Witnesses to alleged crimes in Bucha reported that Russian forces shot at fleeing men and murdered people at random.

Omurekov Azatbek Asanbekovich is a lieutenant colonel who was the commander that led the Bucha Massacre. 

According to the preliminary information, they enter the city from Khabarovsk Territory, beyond China and North Korea, and are believed to be Russians. 

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Who Is Omurekov Azatbek Asanbekovich? Lieutenant Colonel At Bucha Massacre

Omurekov Azatbek Asanbekovich a lieutenant colonel is the commander responsible for Bucha Massacre. He and his unit were the teams behind the massacre that killed hundreds of Ukrainian in Bucha church. 

Human remains were discovered on the streets, citizens executed with their hands tied behind their backs, raped, and tortured. The team did not even distinguish between Men, women, children, and everyone who was brutally killed.

Reportedly, one of the brigades that tortured, raped and killed people in #Bucha - unit 51460 from the village of Knyaze-Volkonskoye, Khabarovsk Krai, #Russia. Commander of the unit is Lt Colonel Omurbekov Azatbek Asanbekovich. #BuchaMassacre

— Giorgi Revishvili (@revishvilig) April 3, 2022

They even took it out on corpses, undermining the bodies of Ukrainians who had already been slaughtered. One has even been discovered in the previous few hours.

In the last several hours, a 13-meter-long mass grave was excavated on the grounds of the Bucha church, where hundreds of Russian-killed people lie.

Azatbek's team confirmed that the Russian military is ruthless. According to a report, the 64th Motorized Artillery Brigade came to Ukraine from the Khabarovsk Territory, beyond China and North Korea, via the hamlet of Knyaze-Volkonskoye.

They discovered all they could about the commander, including his email, phone number, and residence. These data were spread on Telegram, which was afterward banned, as well as on Reddit. 

Omurekov Azatbek Asanbekovich Wikipedia Age And Wife

Omurekov Azatbek Asanbekovich is a Russian commander of the 64th separate motorized rifle brigade of military unit 51460. His Wikipedia information about his age and wife was revealed by several web sources, however, they were eventually removed.

#Україна #УкраїнаПереможе #Ukraine
Волонтери InformNapalm знайшли дані командира в/ч 51460, 64-та окрема мотострілецька бригада, яка за попередніми даними скоїла воєнні злочини в м.#Буча, Київської області.

підполковник Омуреков Азатбек Асанбекович

— InformNapalm (@InformNapalm) April 3, 2022

Even Anonymous, the world's most well-known and feared hacker activism group, assisted in disseminating this commander's data. Pravda Kyiv released this list on March 1, revealing that the soldiers northwest of Kyiv were from the Eastern Military District.

However, the Ukrainian government has not corroborated the information supplied by InformNapalm about Omurekov Azatbek Asanbekovich. Furthermore, his soldiers were held responsible for the atrocity.

Moreover, following the release of images and recordings of the Bucha massacre, Russian authorities unanimously denied any role in the killing.

Meanwhile, Kremlin has announced a probe into civilian fatalities, with the chairman of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin. They claim that Kyiv intends to "discredit" the Russian military and has spread "deliberately false" information about it. 

We will update you with further information about the ruthless commander as soon as more information is revealed to the public.

Is Omurekov Azatbek Asanbekovich Dead Or Alive?

Omurekov Azatbek Asanbekovich appears to be alive however, there is no news regarding the military. His and his teammates' images are going popular on social media.

And netizens are criticizing their cold-blooded behavior. They are sharing the news and as much information about him as they can on social media.
