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Season 5 Virgin River Theory: Two Arrivals Raise A Stir When Lizzie Star Drops A Hint?

The fifth season of VIRGIN RIVER is currently in production, and Lizzie star Sarah Dugdale has hinted that some new characters might be featured.

Filming for Virgin River’s fifth season began earlier this summer. Virgin River is a favourite on Netflix. Following Hope (Annette O’Toole’s (Sarah )’s Dugdale) return from her injury, Lizzie (Sarah Dugdale) began to display a more sympathetic side. Sarah discussed her ideal scenario for season 5 exclusively with

When Lizzie initially arrived at the Virgin River, she adopted the role of the disobedient person who only cared about herself.

She experimented with several romantic relationships, particularly with Ricky (Grayson Gurnsey), but when Ricky decided to enlist in the Marines, things did not work out.

As Lizzie grew more comfortable in Virgin River throughout season four, she had certain personality changes.

Once Hope McCrea had returned from her horrible car accident, she offered to help.

Elizabeth actor In an exclusive interview with, Sarah discussed what might come next for her character.

She uttered: “She has such a strong female character in Hope, and I would want to see her discover her purpose and continue to build relationships with individuals like her.

Virgin River Theory

“She would make a fantastic role model for Lizzie, and the more she gets involved in activities like those, the more Lizzie will come into focus, in my opinion.

“I’d also like to know more about her parents and the reasons behind her behaviour.

“There’s a reason she arrived with all this baggage and this chip on her shoulder, so maybe one of them comes to town and she gets to talk about that relationship she has with them more.

I believe it would be wonderful to partially lift the curtain and reveal to the audience the reasons behind her behaviour.

In light of this, it’s possible that Lizzie’s parents will travel to the Virgin River to see their daughter.

They may be curious to hear how Lizzie is doing as they haven’t had many touches with her since she first appeared.

They might wish to repair some bridges once the dust has had time to settle.

There could be some new faces in town in #virginriver season 5

— Daily Express (@Daily_Express) August 21, 2022

Lizzie might find this challenging given that newbie Denny (Kai Bradbury) recently gave her a major shocker.

Denny confessed that he had Huntington’s disease, which was deadly, even though Lizzie was eager to explore a relationship with him.

If Lizzie is honest about her experiences, her parents might try to persuade her to return.

In addition, she had to deal with Ricky’s departure once he left to enlist in the Marines.

Regarding the final moment that she and Grayson filmed, Sarah said in an interview, “I believe that scene truly demonstrated the love and the concern she has for Ricky isn’t gone.

It was a good way of demonstrating that the door is still open. “With time and healing, perhaps they will review the relationship they have.

“I don’t think Lizzie ever lost her affections for Ricky, and that sequence was just so lovely overall.

It perfectly captured the essence of the Virgin River, which is the sense of belonging, love, and genuine concern for one another.

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The entire village turned up to say goodbye to Ricky because they are all his family.

Lizzie now considers Virgin River her home, therefore if her parents try to convince her to leave the community, she might refuse.

She could have to decide between her new family and her parents, and that choice might not be simple.
